The usually classy star accidentally flashed the full monty while getting out of her car at Les Miserables’ New York premiere this week.
The photos show Hathaway – dressed in a striking black gown and S&M-style heels, doing a Britney and flashing her panty-free crotch.
Despite initial reports that the star was “devastated” by the revealing photos, she is now determined to laugh off the mishap.

“I was getting out of the car and my dress was so tight that I didn’t realise it until I saw all the photographers’ flashes,” the Daily News reports Hathaway as saying of the pics.
“It was devastating. They saw everything. I might as well have lifted up my skirt for them.”
However the star - who is tipped as a surefire Oscar nominee for her Les Mis performance - said all she can do is laugh at herself and try to find “the comedy” in the situation, the New York Post reports.
“I think what I am going to do is whatever my next appearance is...I’m going to step out of the car in a blanket. You’ve got to laugh at it,” she told guests at a Les Mis lunch.